Americans are voting in record numbers across the country to cast a ballot for democracy and let their voices be heard as the nation grapples with some of its most serious challenges ever. When polls close tonight at 8 p.m., attention will shift to counting the votes – a process that could take days or even weeks in some cases as elections officials throughout California and across the nation work to #CountEveryVote.
In California, 11 million voters had submitted their ballots as of Nov. 2 – more than half of those sent vote-by-mail ballots in the beginning of October. Initial reports estimate record turnout here and nationwide, as Americans cast key votes about what values our nation now embraces. More than 2 million NEA members and families have already cast ballots in the election.
With widespread national concerns about potential efforts to silence voters and have ballots thrown out, CTA joins NEA and other state affiliates across the country in pledging to ensure every vote is counted. Nationwide, NEA leaders will be working with state officials to make certain the election is safe, fair and decided by voters.
“As educators, we know that our democracy only works if every vote is counted. Whether we are Black or white, Native or newcomer, Latino or Asian, we know that for democracy to work for all of us, it must include us all. And we know that in order to transform our public education system into one that is racially just, socially just, and equitable so every student can succeed – our democracy must succeed,” says NEA President Becky Pringle. “That is why, on behalf of the 3 million educators represented by the National Education Association, we have released our #CountEveryVote, making clear our commitment to protecting our democracy by ensuring every vote is counted in this election.”
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Updated Nov. 3 at 10:35 p.m.
With about 60% of precincts reporting and a lot of ballots left to count, Yes on 15 trails by about 60,000 votes.
Prop. 15 supporters celebrated an amazing campaign with a virtual party, featuring appearances by CTA President E. Toby Boyd, CTA Vice President David Goldberg and civil rights leader Dolores Huerta.
“Our public schools are worth fighting for and the #YesOn15 campaign showed us we can accomplish a lot when we COME TOGETHER! We are what democracy looks like!” — E. Toby Boyd
“The future is in our hands: onward and forward together we march!” — David Goldberg
“Today when I saw so many young people voting … it really lifted my spirits. Si se puede.” — Dolores Huerta
Updated Nov. 3 at 8:35 p.m.
First reports are coming in from counties across the state and Prop. 15 is in the early lead with 14.4 percent of precincts reporting!
Updated Nov. 3 at 7:01 p.m.
In the final hours of the election, CTA educators running for school board are showing every vote matters, working all the way up until polls close. Here’s a look at some of their campaigns on Election Day:
We’ll be keeping a close watch on all the critical races, from Propositions 15, 16 and 22 to CTA educators running for school boards around the state to the crucial presidential election – regular updates will be added to this story. You can also watch results in real-time for the state propositions and for important local elections on county elections websites.
After all the work phone banking, texting, writing postcards and campaign for the resources and opportunities that all students and communities deserve, it’s time to celebrate the historic Prop. 15 campaign! Join the Yes on 15 Election Night party and let’s watch the returns come in together.
Don’t forget to share your Election Day photos with us and let all of CTA know how you’re spending this historic day. Post to your social media accounts with the hashtag #EducatorsVote.