Election Day is going to be a lot different this year, just like everything else in 2020. With so much uncertainty, it’s reassuring to know that our union is rooted in the values that have united and inspired California educators since 1863.
When you sit down to complete your ballot in this crucial election, let the same values that serve as the bedrock for CTA guide your vote for a better tomorrow.
The Mission Statement of CTA:
The California Teachers Association exists to protect and promote the well-being of its members; to improve the conditions of teaching and learning; to advance the cause of free, universal, and quality public education for all students; to ensure that the human dignity and civil rights of all children and youth are protected; and to secure a more just, equitable, and democratic society.
Yes on Prop. 15
Schools & Communities First
How do we improve the conditions of teaching and learning? By closing tax loopholes that corporations and the super-wealthy have been exploiting for four decades and injecting billions in new funding and resources into public schools. Prop. 15 will reclaim $12 billion a year and put it in our public schools, colleges and communities where it’s needed most. Invest in California’s future and vote Yes on Prop. 15!
Yes on Prop. 16
Equal Opportunity for All
Free, universal and quality public education for all students is not possible without equal and equitable opportunities for every student. This is a critical time to reinstate equal opportunity by voting Yes on Prop. 16 as we chart a path forward to a stronger economic future for women and communities of color, and a California where Black Lives Matter and our systems are just.
No on Prop. 20
Rehabilitation, Not Prisons
The fight against systemic racism in our justice system spurred Americans to protest in the streets this summer to continue a civil rights fight that is now hundreds of years old. While leaders across the country are discussing justice reform, Prop. 20 would do the exact opposite: bolster a system that disproportionately oppresses communities of color. Vote No on Prop. 20 and stand against systemic racism.
No on Prop. 22
Gig Employers Put Exploitation on Ballot
Neither just nor equitable: Uber, Lyft, Doordash and other gig employers like exploiting their employees so much, they’re spending millions to overturn a landmark law that requires them to provide employees with sick leave, workers’ compensation, unemployment and other benefits. Help stop this brazen effort to buy a law and vote No on Prop. 22.
Yes on Prop. 25
Stop Criminalizing Poverty: End Cash Bail
There should be no price tag for human dignity, yet thousands every year spend time locked in jail because they cannot afford to pay the cost for bail. It’s time to get money out of criminal justice by replacing an unfair, unsafe, wasteful money bail system with one that prioritizes public safety and justice for all. Vote Yes on Prop. 25.
Defend Democracy
Elect Leaders Who See Us and Know Us
This unique election is about a lot of things, most importantly who will help defend and further our democratic society as we take on some of the biggest challenges in our nation’s history. We need elected leaders at all levels of government who see us, know us and will dream with us — from Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to educators up and down the state seeking new leadership roles this election.