National Board Certification provides meaningful, self-directed professional growth along with national recognition and opportunities for instructional leadership. Whether you are beginning or continuing your National Board journey, CTA has your back! Take a look at the resources below and register for one of our member support programs. We look forward to meeting you and connecting you to your colleagues from across the state!

Our Systems of Support
The Navigating National Board Summer Series is for CTA members who are interested in beginning or continuing their National Board Certification. The Summer Series sessions will be led by experienced National Board Certified Teachers and provide participants with support to prepare for the year ahead.

Are you a BIPOC educator interested in pursuing National Board Certification? Are you interested in participating in the Stanford or UCLA National Board support program? You will be in community with other BIPOC educators and supported by BIPOC National Board Certified Teachers. If you answered yes, apply for the BIPOC Cohorts!
Applications are due August 9, 2024, 11:59 pm.

CTA will be hosting Community of Practice (CofP) sessions for members who will be starting or continuing their National Board Certification during the 2024-2025 school year. CofP sessions will be led by CTA members who are National Board Certified Teachers and will help participants access available resources, understand the certification process, and deeply engage with the substance of National Board Certification.
Register Here | Download Flyer

Are you looking to renew your National Board Certification? Join us for the CTA Navigating National Board Maintenance of Certification (MOC) Series! This virtual series will walk you through the MOC process, share information about available incentive programs, and support you in developing your MOC portfolio components. The series will be facilitated by NBCTs who have recently completed the MOC process!
Register Here | Download Flyer