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Professional Learning Opportunities

NEA/CTA Microcertifications

CTA is excited to announce the launch of the CTA/NEA Micro-Certifications! Micro-certifications or “microcerts” are short, self-paced, practice-based, certificate-bearing  professional learning sequences offered free for CTA members. We will be conducting a pilot during this summer and offering a full array of micro-certifications in the Fall of 2021.

Learn more


Wellness Center

It’s a fact: experiencing stress, anxiety, depression, or other feelings of helplessness during a pandemic is normal. The supports we put in place now can significantly affect the time it takes for us to recover and find a sustainable balance. Access resources for yourself and your students at the CTA Wellness Center!

Access the Wellness Center!

Upcoming CTA Training and Events

CTA has a wide range of throughout the year to support your needs as a practitioner and leader. Whether you’re interested in honing your teaching strategies, integrating anti-racist practices, understanding school finance, or learning to organize for better schools, we’ve got you covered!

Explore/register here!

Instructional Leadership Corps

The Instructional Leadership Corps (ILC) is a statewide community of professional educators committed to transforming our profession to advance the cause of educational equity so each child in California public schools may reach their full potential and thrive. Learn more about the ILC and access recent professional learning and resources!

Take me there!

External Professional Learning Opportunities

We love connecting with other organization that are committed to empowering educators as expert practitioners and leaders. We have linked below to professional learning resources from several such organizations.

Professional Learning for Local Associations

The CTA IPD team conducts a broad range of custom professional learning for local associations. Requests for professional learning should go through Local Associations Presidents and their Primary Contact Staff.
