Dana Dillon, President

Dana Dillon | President
In her thirty-seven years as an educator in the Weed Union Elementary School District in northern California, Dana held many offices including chapter president. She also represented educators on CTA State Council as a member of the CTA Retirement Committee on which she was elected vice chair and then chair.
Dana’s wider union outreach has included election to the NEA Board of Directors and serving on the NEA Social Security Offset Task Force which has labored consistently for the repeal of the GPO/WEP Social Security penalties. She also served as a member of the CTA Board of Directors and since 1996 Dana has been an elected Delegate from California to the NEA Representative Assembly.
From 2003 through 2019 she served as a peer-elected member of the CalSTRS Board and for most of the time she was either its Chair or Vice-Chair. In her four years as CTA/NEA-Retired Vice President she continued monitoring CalSTRS Board meetings benefitting from her experience and insights as a former Chair. Dana clearly brings a professional career of competence and experience to her new role as president.