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How to Nominate an ESP

The award program is open to all CTA ESP members. The completed nomination form and a letter not to exceed two (2) pages are all that is required in the nomination process. The letter should be written by the CTA member who is making the nomination. 

Members may not self-nominate. 

The letter should briefly address the following questions. All five (5) questions must be answered. Please answer the questions in order: 

  1. Professional Practice: Describe the worksite responsibilities and personal achievements the nominee has made in his/her classification or field. How has the nominee demonstrated leadership, creativity, and innovation at the worksite? How has the nominee’s professional growth made a difference for the worksite, the students, and the community?
  2. Advocacy and Association Involvement: In what ways does the nominee serve as an advocate in the day-to-day educational process, for members, for the profession, and for public education? How has the nominee’s involvement in the National Education Association or the California Teachers Association or the Local Association contributed to his/her success as a professional? How would the nominee persuade a new colleague to join or become more active in the Association?
  3. Community Engagement: Specify in detail how the nominee has been involved in promoting public education in the community. In what other ways is the nominee involved in community activities/projects?
  4. Personal Achievements: How has involvement in Association and community activities enabled the nominee to meet his/her own personal goals?
  5. Enhancement of ESP Image: Describe in detail how the nominee’s activities have enhanced the image of Education Support Professionals at the worksite, in the Association, and in the community. 

Nominees will be judged solely by the quality and completion of the nomination letter provided.

Send the materials to:

Paula J. Monroe CTA ESP Award Committee
c/o John Vigrass, CTA ESP Co-Consultant
PO Box 7850, Redlands CA 92375


Submit by email: 

Please do not include letters of recommendation or additional materials.

If you have any questions or need further clarification, please call John Vigrass at (951) 285-4982

Kudos to the 2024 CTA Paula J. Monroe Education Support Professional of the Year. Read his story here.

Celebrating Our ESP Members

The annual Paula J. Monroe CTA ESP of the Year Award celebrates an individual member whose activities reflect the contributions of Education Support Professionals to public education. The award is acknowledged at the March CTA State Council Meeting. In addition, the recipient will be the California state nominee for the NEA ESP of the Year Award. It is the expectation of the committee that the recipient will submit an application for the NEA ESP of the Year Award. 
