Oakland teachers are set to go on strike soon in their fight for the education their students deserve and the resources educators need to do this. (See Oakland Education Association [OEA] for updates, and CTA’s information on how to support OEA members.)
Bread for Ed is a coalition effort to provide food for students and educators during the strike. Oakland Unified has 37,000 students, of which about 80 percent qualify for free and reduced lunches. OEA has about 3,000 members. If students do not have access to food, they may cross the picket lines to get food at school. Since one of the critical factors in winning the strike is to have an impact on district Average Daily Attendance funding, keeping students fed during this time is hugely important.
Bread for Ed ties directly into the radical, racial justice work started by the Black Panther Party in the late 1960s. The free breakfast the Panthers gave to children in Oakland spurred the government and school districts to beef up their in-school food programs. In addition, the fight for free public education dates back to the demand during the Reconstruction period to educate the children of free African Americans.
Bread for Ed’s goal is to raise $50,000 to sustain students and educators during a strike. You can make a donation and find ways to volunteer at the site.
Democratic Socialists of America, East Bay
International Socialist Organization, Northern California
Agape Fellowship
A note to all supporters: Per OEA’s request, funds will be collected by East Bay DSA and paid out to our local food provider partners, and remaining funds will be sent to the OEA’s member assistance fund (strike fund). East Bay DSA is a 501c4 so your donations are not tax-deductible.
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