Use this form to support SB 868 (Cortese), which will help educator retirees most in need of assistance.
An overwhelming number of retired educators have faced numerous financial hurdles for decades including inflation erosion, increased health care expenses, and widening holes in Medicare coverage.
CalSTRS retirees are inequitably placed in retirement tiers in comparison to their peers, leaving some retirees who retired prior to 1999 with less equitable benefits than their peers that retired in the early 2000’s.
SB 868 would create a one-time permanent adjustment applied to the total current benefit that is being paid to these retirees, which would include a two percent improvement factor and applicable purchasing power payments.
The increase in the percentage would be based upon the year of retirement and would only apply to CalSTRS retirees and beneficiaries of retirees who retired prior to 1999. SB 868 will help CalSTRS retirees most in need of assistance.