Media Advisory: California Educators Announce Full Court Press as Ballots Arrive in Voters’ Homes
Contact Gabriella Landeros at 323-406-3270 or Claudia Briggs at 916-296-4087
Week of Action Signals Educators Ready to Fight for Equitable Resources and Opportunity for Schools and Communities
Yes on Props. 15, 16, 25; No on Props. 22, 20
***Thursday, October 8 at 1:00 PM***
BURLINGAME – The California Teachers Association will host a virtual news conference announcing the statewide efforts of its more than 310,000 members in the last few weeks of Campaign 2020. Educators, students, and community supporters are redoubling their commitment to get out the vote for Yes on Propositions 15, 16 and 25, and No on Propositions 22 and 20. This is part of a series of events for this week’s #EducatorsVote Week of Action.
WHAT: Hear Our Voices! #EducatorsVote Bilingual, Virtual News Conference
WHEN: Thursday, October 8, at 1:00 PM
WHERE: VIA ZOOM. Please RSVP for link to:
WHO: E. Toby Boyd, Kindergarten Teacher and President, California Teachers Association
David Goldberg, Bilingual Teacher and Vice President, California Teachers Association
Eva Ruiz, Bilingual Teacher and Board Member, California Teachers Association
Jeff Freitas, President, California Federation of Teachers
Nancy Cisneros, High School English and English Language Development Teacher,
Kern High School Teachers Association
Pia VanMeter, High School Science Teacher, Riverside City Teachers Association
The 310,000-member California Teachers Association is affiliated with the 3 million-member National Education Association.