California’s Educators and State Law Support Transgender Students Despite New Federal Actions

Burlingame – CTA President Eric Heins issued the following statement concerning new actions by the Trump administration revoking the Obama administration’s May 2016 guidelines that protected the rights of transgender students by allowing them access to the restrooms and locker rooms consistent with their gender identity – rights they still have under California law:

“California’s educators believe all students deserve to feel safe and supported in their neighborhood public school. This is why the Trump administration’s first education action, to reverse protections for transgender students by rescinding the Title IX guidance, is disheartening. To take back basic rights of transgender students at public schools nationwide sends a clear message: This administration does not care about all students. At CTA, we do. We have led the way in providing safe learning environments for transgender and all students, and we are not about to stop now. The 2013 legislation signed into law by Governor Brown provided transgender students access to the restrooms and locker rooms that are consistent with their chosen gender identity. This is still the law in California, and we will make sure our students know that.

“To send a message against the divisive new federal actions by Trump, CTA is inviting Californians to sign our online pledge to protect all students and make schools a safe haven from bullying and discrimination. The pledge and other social justice resources are at This pledge declares, among other urgent goals, that public education must ensure that all students can succeed, regardless of their gender or gender identity, their immigration status, their ZIP code, the color of their skin, their religion, or who they love. When our students are free to reach their full potential, our communities are as well.”

(The new CTA call-to-action pledge is part of a social justice campaign to provide and protect the public education all of California’s students deserve. It integrates CTA’s student-centered advocacy agenda. The California Department of Education provides more information about the state’s landmark 2013 legislation, AB 1266, which provides strong protections for transgender students.)


The 325,000-member California Teachers Association is affiliated with the 3 million-member National Education Association.