California Educators Celebrate Safe Return to School in New Ad Campaign
Thank Parents for Being Partners Through Pandemic
BURLINGAME—In celebration of all that educators, parents and school communities have done together to safely return to in-person instruction this school year, California Teachers Association is excited to showcase a series of television commercials, radio, print and online ads this week commemorating this partnership as another school year gets underway.
With multiple versions in English and Spanish, the television, radio and web commercials mark the new school year by thanking families for collaborating with educators over the past 18 months to protect the health of our school communities and implement the measures we needed to safely bring students back to classrooms. CTA President E. Toby Boyd says the ads celebrate this commitment to keep everyone safe and make every school in every neighborhood a special place to learn.
“Thank you for partnering with us to make learning a priority,” Boyd says. “We’re all in this together as we return to school – determined to keep everyone safe and excited to help all students succeed.”
The ads will run in every media market in California including Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego, Fresno and Sacramento. Print ads in 12 different languages will run in statewide ethnic newspapers—including Asian, Latino and African American.
CTA’s television and radio spots for the 2021 Back-to-School Media Campaign were recorded at Redlands High School in Redlands, CA and included educators from the Redlands Teachers Association, the Alvord Educators Association and the Redlands Educational Support Professionals Association. In addition to the educators, students of the Redlands High School Marching Band, led by the school’s band director Brandon Hansen, are featured in the campaign.
The 310,000-member CTA is affiliated with the 3-million-member National Education Association.