Vote to Strengthen Our Schools and Communities
2024 is a critical year for public education. We have the power at the ballot box to dedicate necessary resources to elect champions of public education and unions—from school board members all the way up to the California legislature. This year, there are over 2,000 school board races that we can win!
Let’s come together in our union to advocate for the schools and communities our students deserve.
CTA Recommendations: Union Democracy at Work
Did you know that CTA recommendations for candidates and ballot measures are voted on by our State Council of Education?
Nearly 800 State Council delegates meet four times a year and are all democratically elected educators from across California. This is where candidate recommendations made by local union members and approved by the CTA Board are brought to the floor for debate and final approval.
Interviews and recommendations for pro-public education candidates and pro-public education positions on California initiatives are extensive, deliberate and important work in our union.
Our Union Educators Win!

2024 Recommended Candidates and Initiatives
Check out our 2024 recommended California Assembly and State Senate candidates. Be sure to check back for more 2024 recommended candidates and initiatives.
Our Recommendation Process
CTA’s recommendation process involves interview teams of local educators from throughout the state, who interview candidates and evaluate them on a variety of criteria, including:
- Their positions on and vision for K-12, community college and higher education issues.
- Their historical support for public education, students and educators, in such areas as education funding, budget stability, safe schools and campuses for all students, collective bargaining, educator professional rights, charter school accountability, and equal access to higher education.
- Their viability for success in the office that they are seeking.
Teams then make their recommendations to the CTA Board for discussion before being brought to CTA State Council (CTA’s top policy-making body, with 800 delegates), which debates and makes final recommendations.