Educators quipped about not being able to find a well-funded school anywhere.

Not my school.
When was that?
Where? Another country maybe.
Mental health support.
It’s very clear that we need more mental health services in our schools to address trauma.

Counseling services that not only the support the kids, but also their families, parents and teachers!
School counselors, social workers, applied behavior analysts, psychologists, EL supports
School psychologists and counselors
A school where kids don’t have to save their mental health problems for two days a week.
Counselors for kids to talk to!
More supportive services.
In addition to mental health services, a well-funded school includes school nurses, aides, paraprofessionals, librarians and more!

Full-time aides, counselors, nurses.
2 full time teacher-librarians!
Support staff to address the growing needs of our students affected by trauma.
A full-time teacher librarian in EVERY school!
Fulfilling and supporting the needs of the “whole child.”
Curriculum & materials for learning.
Classrooms are missing basic supplies for their students like ink, paper and more.

Every student and educator has the materials and support needed for learning every day!
A curriculum that focuses on the whole child and their learning.
New and useful materials, enriching programs, smiles, extracurriculars and tutoring.
Ink, paper and student supplies.
Smaller class sizes.
We’ll say it again and again if we have to. Class size matters.

Small class sizes!
Appropriate class sizes. 25 at elementary (we have 4th grade classes at 35 at my school!)
Safe class sizes in science classrooms…42 kids and 10 open 🔥= 😩😩😩
Small class sizes (25-30 in secondary)
More support for special education.
Special education educators must get what they need to address student needs.

State and federal funding for Special Education so students needs can be met adequately.
Special education getting the staff and resources it deserves (and is legally entitled to!)
Enrichment and activities for students.
Our students deserve the arts, technology, physical education and other enrichment programs and activities.

Enrichment activities for all students.
Fully staffed, arts, tech, curriculum and full educator staff!
Arts programs! 🎭🎨🎼
Music/art classes.
An equitable, healthy environment for all.
We must work toward a healthy environment and quality public education for all of our students, educators, families and local communities.

An equitable school doesn’t exist in my community. It may somewhere, but not here.
All students feel seen.
Happy children.
A healthy, well-managed ecosystem including the district, teachers, parents and community.
Clean, safe school buildings and facilities. Up-to-date and in good condition.
Addressing the teacher shortage AND morale!
You can’t put students first if you put teachers last.

Filled teacher positions, adequate subs, education specialists, reading specialists, etc.
Staff that feels appreciated with pay, supplies, admin support, interventions, etc.
Fully staffed!
What does a well-funded school or classroom look like to you?

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