After a difficult 12 months of negotiations, United Teachers of Richmond (UTR) reached a tentative agreement Friday that prioritizes safety and increases educator pay, and includes one of the first guaranteed, comprehensive community schools structures in the union contract of a CTA local association (Montebello Teachers Association reached agreement on a community schools article in their contract in January).
The tentative agreement, which still needs to be ratified by UTR members, includes community schools shared decision-making through at least 2027, a 14.5-percent pay increase by July 1 of this year, and the maintenance of maximum class sizes from the previous contract. UTR President John Zabala said that the agreement achieves UTR’s priorities for the campaign: Physically and emotionally safe schools, a permanent certificated educator in every classroom, and uplifting community voice through shared decision making.
The victory came after a historic 97.3-percent strike authorization vote and more than 1,500 members rising in solidarity to fight for their students and each other through collective action.
“This was only possible through the incredible organizing efforts that our union demonstrated this year. New leaders have emerged and stepped up, giving up their nights and weekends,” Zabala said. “It has been an honor to meet and work with our zone captains, our organizing team, and our picket captains. We owe them so much.”
UTR will hold town hall meetings this week on the agreement and a ratification vote will follow.
Highlights of the tentative agreement are:
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