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By Nancy Beymer, President of the Hartnell College Faculty Association
Beymer on the picket line

Beymer on the picket line

Solidarity is standing together. It means your fight is my fight. It is knowing we are stronger together and no one stands alone.

My motivation for joining the Las Lomitas Education Association picket line is my solid belief in the principles of union solidarity. My inspiration came from the teachers at Soledad elementary and the faculty from other community colleges that came to support the Hartnell College Faculty Association in October 2023 to join our information picketing at a Board of Trustee meeting. I remember feeling buoyed by the show of support from fellow teachers and educators across teaching levels and county lines. It meant so much to me and to our organization team to feel their support and know we weren’t alone.

So, when I learned a K-12 system in driving distance had been out there on strike for three days – I knew I could make time to show my support – I just had to show them that they too are not alone. All educators at all levels struggle to reach such a dire situation as a strike. Frankly, it is easy for our dedication and commitment to our students and communities to be exploited. I know when an educator is on a picket line, they are already feeling devalued at an extreme level. We are teaching because we care. So perhaps my other motivation was to make sure that the K-12 educators know that those of us in higher education care about their needs and their struggles and that we respect and admire the work they do!

Solidarity increases our strength, and we surely must support one another. Each negotiation that forces funds to go to those who work with students and improve the working/learning conditions at a school versus large reserves or pet projects is a win. Each win helps to move the needle for the next win. Our arguments become strengthened when we have successful contract language and competitive pay comparisons to use in our own campaign. The work we do is meaningful, essential work for the growth of communities, individuals and our union.

Teachers/faculty/professors should not be taken for granted or exploited for their care. Instead, we must be united, to fight for safety, recognition, resources, health care, class size – your local need. Each local win raises the bar and shows what can be done. It inspires others to continue the fight. There is always a song about “saving for the rainy day,” and some savings make sense. But it is time to call boards out when they treat teachers and other school workers as liabilities, not assets. The school is only as good as the people working at the school make it. So, school boards need to recognize the people!

My uncle is a proud Teamster. I grew up knowing the importance of unionism and solidarity. If you are ever on the fence about getting involved, I would say to hop on over and get involved! You will find that our union work is enriching. You will see that you are not only associated with your local, but you are part of a large community of support. You will also find that support means the world to you when the fight is yours.

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