As the 2022/23 year comes to an end, CCA wants to remind our chapters and members of several items:
UNEMPLOYMENT: Just a reminder to part-time, adjunct faculty that we have the right to unemployment and underemployment. The recent CCA Unemployment Webinars covered this, so if you missed one of those and would like the slides, please email CCA Secretary John Sullivan at Please include your chapter and college when you email him.
MEMBERSHIP LAPSES: If you have a gap in your dues payments during the academic year, you may receive a notice from CTA that you have been dropped from your membership. If that happens, you can either directly pay your dues to your chapter or you can wait until your next payroll period, as long as it happens within a year. If you paid less than the full dues ($212.80 for part-time; $1071 for full-time), please contact your chapter to bring it current. For questions or clarifications, please contact your chapter president or membership chair.
GRANTS: CCA has a number of grant opportunities to help chapters:
- LOCAL CHAPTER REASSIGNED TIME GRANTS: for hourly release time for members of the local to perform essential work for the local;
- PART-TIME MEMBERSHIP TRACKING GRANTS: for chapters to reconcile their membership rosters each month;
- INNOVATIVE GRANTS: for projects that support local chapter operations;
- MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT GRANTS: for membership specific activities.
If you have any ideas or desire to help your chapter by using one or more of these grants, please contact your chapter leadership. More information is located on the CCA website at under the Members tab.
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