In a school named Love, Alameda fourth grade educator Ryan Brazil and her class are inspiring compassion, sharing the joy of words like “hope,” “empathy” and “voice” in their newly published book, “Anti-Bias ABC’s.”
The book features anti-bias-related words for each letter of the alphabet, along with descriptions and illustrations penned by Brazil’s students. The mission to spread love has come a long way since Brazil first had the idea to write a book with her class — “Anti-Bias ABC’s” can be purchased on every major online bookseller, at Target and at local bookstores like Alameda’s Books Inc., which invited Brazil’s class to sign their books at an event in May.
“We’re really excited. Our hope is that people learn from this and then they can teach other people about it,” says Brazil, a member of Alameda Education Association. “We want to inspire love, empathy and compassion.”

Young authors sign their books at Books Inc. in Alameda in May.
Brazil says that she had 26 students at the beginning of the school year and decided to write an alphabet book with her class, with each student getting a letter to write and draw about. The class discusses social justice every day and Love Elementary School has an anti-bias group. Brazil came up with the idea to do their alphabet book on the topic and brought it back to her students, who embraced it and charged ahead with the creation.
A great deal of thought was put into the words that were selected for each letter, and Brazil’s students discussed the merits of each to make the tough decisions about which would make the cut.
“Why do we want to do open-minded instead of oppression,” Brazil asked, noting that the class came to a consensus on the tone they wanted to set. “We decided to keep it positive.”

Self-published by Alameda educator Ryan Brazil, “Anti-Bias ABC’s” is available at all major online booksellers and through most local bookstores.
Brazil initially was going to publish the book using a kit, but decided the result wasn’t high-quality enough. She researched the options and decided to self-publish the hardcover book.
“And it kind of just exploded,” she says. “I wanted it to be nice quality because I thought the book was so amazing.”
As of press time, Brazil is happy to report they’ve sold close to 300 books. Her students are excited to be published authors, especially about their chosen topic.
“They are on top of the world. They have this pride,” says Brazil. “Every kid is an expert on their specific word.”
Brazil says being anti-bias is a choice we all need to make every day. She says that because a lot of our biases are implicit, we don’t even know we have them. As educators, it’s crucial to be conscious of these biases, acknowledge them and keep working to be fair to everyone. The book celebrates this equity and inclusion.
“If we have a little empathy and see things from a different perspective, I think the world would be a better place,” Brazil says. “And we have to start young.”
Brazil is a proud CTA member, noting the fight to continue to teach truth in the classrooms has a direct impact on her classroom experience.
“I can’t do my job if I’m not allowed to teach this stuff,” she says.”
“Anti-Bias ABC’s” is available at online booksellers like Powell’s and through your local bookstore.
Social Justice Reading for Young People
Get your students inspired! A few suggestions from socialjusticebooks.org/booklists that have published thus far in 2022:
Still Dreaming / Seguimos Soñando, by Claudia Guadalupe Martínez, Magdalena Mora (illustrator), Luis Humberto Crosthwaite (translator). During the Mexican Repatriation between 1930 and 1940, two million people living in the United States were forcibly removed and sent to live in Mexico. A young boy and his family leave their home and begin a journey filled with uncertainty.
Truth Has a Power of Its Own: Conversations about a People’s History, by Howard Zinn and Ray Suarez
Days of Infamy: How a Century of Bigotry Led to Japanese American Internment, by Lawrence Goldstone
Bad Mexicans: Race, Empire, and Revolution in the Borderlands, by Kelly Lytle Hernández
Insurgent Social Studies: Scholar-Educators Disrupting Erasure and Marginality, edited by Sarah B. Shear, Natasha Hakimali Merchant, and Wayne Au
Abdul’s Story, by Jamilah Thompkins-Bigelow and Tiffany Rose (Illustrator)
Call Me Miss Hamilton: One Woman’s Case for Equality and Respect, by Carole Boston Weatherford and Jeffery Boston Weatherford (illustrator)
Yes! No! A First Conversation about Consent, by Megan Madison, Jessica Ralli, and Isabel Roxas (illustrator)
Augusta Savage: The Shape of a Sculptor’s Life, by Marilyn Nelson
Evicted! The Struggle for the Right to Vote, by Alice Faye Duncan and Charly Palmer (illustrator)
A History of Me, by Adrea Theodore and Erin Robinson (illustrator)
Ida B. Wells, Voice of Truth: Educator, Feminist, and Anti-Lynching Civil Rights Leader, by Michelle Duster and Laura Freeman (illustrator)
Overground Railroad: The Green Book and the Roots of Black Travel in America — Young Adult Adaptation, by Candacy Taylor. Chronicles the history of the Green Book, which was published from 1936 to 1966 and was the “Black travel guide to America.” For years, it was dangerous for African Americans to travel; they couldn’t eat, sleep, or even get gas at most white-owned businesses. Includes photos of Green Book sites, and interviews with people who owned and used these facilities.
Seeking Freedom: The Untold Story of Fortress Monroe and the Ending of Slavery in America, by Selene Castrovilla and E. B. Lewis (Illustrator)
Star Child: A Biographical Constellation of Octavia Estelle Butler, by Ibi Zoboi
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