I’m proud to be kicking off another school year together in our union. We had incredible victories last year. I’ve heard countless educators coming together in our union at their worksite, in our local chapters, and across regions to win for each other and our students. Together at the state level, we were able to protect school funding, fight back against layoffs and secure historic contract victories through our collective power.
“This is the year to defend and take an active role in our democracy — both in our elections and within our union.”
While we were able to protect school funding last year, we can expect similar battles ahead as our schools continue to be chronically underfunded. In order to fight forward together in the face of these challenges, we must seize every opportunity to connect with each other and build power in every corner of our state. A strong statewide union of educators has the power to fix our broken funding system.
This upcoming election is just around the corner and it’s a strong opportunity for us to connect with our broader communities, as well.
Our national union, NEA, has endorsed Kamala Harris following that dramatic change in the top of the Democratic presidential ticket. The national election will have major consequences for public schools. Harris’ opponent, Donald Trump, is backed by corporate billionaires who want to eliminate the Department of Education and privatize our schools. He’s also proposed unworkable, chaotic, and odd schemes that would disrupt our students’ right to a high-quality public education.
Also critically important are the upcoming local school board elections. We have 2,000 school board elections this year! The outcomes of these races will have a direct impact on our ability to make contract gains for members, students and our communities. Some races are also centered on critical issues including safeguarding our students’ access to accurate and honest curriculum, safe learning environments for all, and fighting back against the banning of books in our schools and libraries.
The first thing we must all do, obviously, is vote. Beyond that, we must all come together in our local chapter’s efforts and reach out to members of our community. This statement alone, on a neighbor’s doorstep, has the power to win elections: “Hi, I’m a local educator and I’m urging you to vote in this local school board race.” Together we have immense power to determine the outcomes of our elections. We need to take these school board races seriously. Our opposition does, and, for the sake of our students and our own working conditions, we cannot let them win.
This is the year to defend and take an active role in our democracy — both in our elections and within our union. A strong union is a collection of strong worksites, where every member has a say in the direction of our union.
Let’s all resolve to fighting forward together and using our collective power to make 2024–25 a great school year for all.
David B. Goldberg
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