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In July, the State Board of Education approved the California English Learner Roadmap to help state school districts understand and educate the diverse population of students who are learning English.

About 1.4 million public school students, roughly one in four in the state, are classified as English learners. The Roadmap — the first new language policy adopted in nearly 20 years — removes outdated barriers to bilingual and multilingual instruction, and help schools meet updated state and federal education laws and requirements.

“The Roadmap will guide teachers and school districts all across California as they help students on their way to success in 21st century careers and college,” says state Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson.

The California Department of Education (CDE), with support from the Sobrato Family Foundation and the Californians Dedicated to Education Foundation, received input on the recommended policy from over 370 educators during public meetings. CTA State Council’s Language Acquisition Committee discussed the policy and provided feedback as well. CDE will develop guidance materials and resources for implementation of the policy, which will be Web-based and include successful practices that districts will contribute to and be to able share.

The Roadmap will also help schools comply with the federal Every Student Succeeds Act and California’s Local Control Funding Formula, both of which require specific assistance so English learners meet the same academic standards as other students.

For more, visit English Learner Roadmap

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