Sunrise at Eagle Rock High School in Los Angeles brought UTLA strike captains and first-line organizers together to ready pop-up tents, tables, strike signs, rain ponchos and even sustenance for the striking teachers of LA. Less conspicuous among were them were parents and students who began to slowly join the teachers as they formed their picket line at one of the oldest high schools in the LAUSD.

Eagle Rock Student Carlos Hernandez and his mom Emily Hernandez came out to show their support for his teachers and to their demands; lowering class sizes and adding counselors and nurses at each site to deliver better community services.

AP biology student Victor Deleon came to the line to stand in support with his biology teacher Brenda Malec- she is supporting UTLA’s education goals to create strong community schools that can meet the challenges of the 21st century.

One visit to a picket line will convince you that teachers in LA have strong support from the community. Austin Beutner should take heed of the open question asked by teachers and parents on the strike line Monday morning; “Why is a person with no educational experience, and a degree in economics, leading the second largest school district in the U.S.?
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