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By Julian Peeples

An end to the longstanding inequity for part-time faculty could be on the horizon if CCA/CTA’s sponsored AB 1269 (Garcia) reaches the governor’s desk and is signed into law. It’s one of numerous bills affecting community colleges currently making their way through the Legislature.

Here’s a quick look at bills impacting community colleges this session:


AB 1269 (GARCIA): Part-Time Faculty Co-Sponsored with CFT

This bill would require the Chancellor’s Office to collect and report part-time faculty parity data from each community college district by July 1, 2022, as well as propose a compensation schedule that achieves pay equity for part-time faculty and closes the parity gap by 2027. The bill also requires the Chancellor’s Office to convene a working group to identify a statewide definition of part-time faculty parity that could be applied locally. Status: Referred to Assembly Committee on Higher Education.


AB 275 (MEDINA): Classified Community College Employees

This bill would shorten the maximum length of the probationary period for community college education support professionals to six months or 130 days of paid service, whichever is longer. This change would not apply to a conflicting collective bargaining agreement entered into before Jan. 1, 2022, until the expiration or renewal of that collective bargaining agreement. Status: Re-referred to Assembly Committee on Higher Education.

AB 337 (MEDINA): Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges

This bill would change the law to allow a student member on the California Community Colleges Board of Governors to vote during their first year on the board. Status: Referred to Committee on Higher Education.


AB 375 (MEDINA): Part-Time Employees

This bill would increase the course load cap for part-time faculty from 60% to 67% of a full-time equivalent load to 80% to 85% of a full-time load. The bill would require community college districts to negotiate these terms no later than the expiration of any negotiated agreement in effect on Jan. 1, 2022. Status: Referred to Assembly Committee on Higher Education.

AB 403 (KALRA): Fair Access to College Textbooks Act

This bill would establish the Fair Access to College Textbooks Act, which would prohibit a California community college campus from assessing an automatic charge for instructional materials. Status: Referred to Committee on Higher Education.

AB 417 (McCARTY): Rising Scholars Network: Justice-Involved Students

This bill would authorize the chancellor to establish a program named the Rising Scholars Network and to enter into agreements with up to 50 community colleges to provide additional funds for services in support of postsecondary education for justice-involved students. Status: Referred to Committee on Higher Education.

AB 927 (MEDINA): Statewide Baccalaureate Degree Pilot Program

This bill would extend the operation of the statewide baccalaureate degree pilot program indefinitely. The bill would also require the chancellor to consult with and seek feedback from the California State University and the University of California on proposed baccalaureate degrees. Status: Referred to Committee on Higher Education.

AB 1040 (Muratsuchi): Ethnic Studies

This bill would require each community college district to offer
courses in ethnic studies at each of its campuses, commencing with the 2022-23 academic year. The bill would also require students to complete at least one course in ethnic studies of at least three units in order to obtain an associate degree for transfer, commencing with the 2024-25 academic year. Status: Awaiting Committee.

SB 228 (Leyva): Foster Youth Educational Support Program.

This bill would extend the priority enrollment status at public universities and community colleges for foster youth as young as 16 to those as young as 13. Status: Heard by Senate Education Committee on March 10.

Updated information on which bills CCA has taken position on can be found at

For any questions email Legislation and Advocacy chair Randa Wahbe at

Support AB 1269

Assembly Bill 1269, by Cristina Garcia (D-Bell Gardens), seek parity for adjunct faculty in the state’s community college system and would require that community colleges close the parity gap by 2027.

Sponsored by the Community College Association and CTA, the bill would require the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office to conduct a comprehensive study of part-time faculty by July 1, 2022. The study would identify policies and offer fiscal recommendations for achieving a pathway to parity for adjunct faculty by 2027. As part of the study, the Chancellor’s Office would convene a workgroup that would include community college union representatives.

CCA President Eric Kaljumägi observes that creating a “compensation schedule” to achieve parity between part-time and full-time faculty within six years is nothing new; it revamps 1999 legislation that was approved but never implemented. He says the goal is having 75% of community college classes taught by full-time instructors.

“Our problem is that we have an underclass of faculty that are the primary employees of the community college system,” he says. “I have no idea how we can maintain a diverse and high-quality workforce if we treat people this badly.”

Take Action

Go to to ask your lawmaker to support AB 1269 for a pathway to parity for adjunct faculty.
