*Note: Winning Caption by Paula Brannon, Val Verde Teachers Association*
“Go into teaching”, they said. “It’ll be a breeze”, they said. “You only have to work ten months of the year”, they said.
Caption this GIF for a chance to win some CTA swag!
Instructions: Leave your caption, name and email in the comments at the bottom of the page. Enter as often as you wish until Jan. 12, 2018. The funniest or most original caption writer will win CTA swag and bragging rights.
We’ll be posting more contests regularly, so be sure to check back soon!
Sample captions (Leave yours in the comments!):
“And in that one moment, she saw her whole life flash before her eyes…”
“Calgon, take me away…”
“Secret to great teaching: caffeine.”
“When low blood sugar has you seeing a sea of moonpies.”
“Did I turn off the oven before I left?”
“Will anyone volunteer to help Agriculture class move some manure?”
“This is the third grade. I’m not going to sign your Stanford, Harvard, and Princeton recommendations.”
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