If you are looking for information about the current University Credit Program, please visit our dedicated page.
The University Credit Season Pass is a new benefit to members attending CTA Statewide Conferences. CTA Members, through attending online conferences live or through watching recordings, will be given the opportunity to accumulate the hours of professional growth needed to qualify for university credit units (15 hours per one unit) across the entire season of statewide conferences. As a benefit to members, CTA will cover the cost of enrollment with CSU, Chico, normally $75/credit. The Season Pass begins with the 2020 LGBTQ+ Issues Conference and ends with the 2021 Special Education Conference in April.
- Check with your district HR office or local chapter president to ensure that university credits can help you advance on your salary schedule.
- Register for and attend CTA statewide conferences live on the Attendee Hub or watch recordings on the CTA Virtual Pass
- For your records, download your CTA certificates of attendance issued to you at the conclusion of each conference or session watched via the CTA Virtual Pass. Once you accumulate 15 hours, you may apply for university credit.
- Enroll on the CSU, Chico continuing education website by May 19th, 2021.
- Once your enrollment is processed (within two weeks) you will receive an enrollment email with your CSU, Chico portal information.
- Log into the CSU, Chico portal to see which course(s) you are enrolled in and request a transcript. Don’t forget to select the setting “Send my transcript once grades are posted”.
- Grades will be posted on May 31st, 2021. From then, standard processing for transcripts can take up to 14 business days and rush processing can take up to 5 business days.
- Once received, submit your transcript to your district.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need university credits to advance on the salary scale?
Each district has different rules. Some of them accept the certificates of Professional Growth Hours provided by CTA, while others require University Credits. For more information about your specific case, please contact your district’s human resource department, or reach out to your local chapter’s leadership.
Which conferences qualify for the Season Pass?
Below are the CTA statewide conferences that qualify for the University Credit Season Pass:
- 2020 LGBTQ+ Issues Conference – Home Edition! – Dec 3-5, 2020
- 2020 New Educator Weekend – Home Edition! – Dec 10-13, 2020
- 2021 Issues Conference – Home Edition! – Jan 14-17, 2021
- 2021 Community College Association (CCA) Winter Conference – Jan 29-30, 2021 (live only, no recordings)
- 2021 Good Teaching Conference – Elementary Home Edition! – Feb 4-7, 2021
- 2021 New Educator Weekend – Home Edition! – Feb 18-21, 2021
- 2021 Equity and Human Rights Conference – Home Edition! – Feb 24-27, 2021
- 2021 Good Teaching Conference – Middle & Secondary Home Edition! – Mar 11-14, 2021
- 2021 Community College Association (CCA) Spring Conference – Apr 23-25, 2021 (live only, no recordings)
- 2021 Special Education Conference – Apr 30-May 2, 2021
Please note that sessions watched on Virtual Pass only qualify for the Season Pass if they belong to the conferences listed above.
Which sessions qualify for Professional Growth Hours?
Type of Content | Attendee Hub Live | Attendee Hub Recording | Virtual Pass Recording |
Workshop Session | Yes | Yes | Yes |
General Session | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Caucus Session | Yes | No | No |
Forum Session | Yes | No | No |
Social Sessions | Yes | No | No |
Chico Info Session | Yes | No | No |
Exhibits | No | No | No |
Where can I access the content?
You can learn more and register for conferences on our main conference page. All our virtual conferences will be hosted in the Attendee Hub, where you will be able to attend the sessions live as well as watch recordings up to two weeks after the end of the conference. Two weeks after the end of the live conference, session recordings will be made available on the CTA Virtual Pass, allowing you to access recordings from conferences you did not attend live.
How do I gather my Professional Growth Hours certificates?
For live conferences taking place on the Attendee Hub, you will receive an email when the conference ends which will contain the link to download the CTA Professional Growth Hours certificate. That link will remain live during the whole season and the certificate updates if you have connected to the Attendee Hub to watch recordings in the two weeks following the end of the conference.
After two weeks, session recordings will become available on the CTA Virtual Pass. The certificate of attendance for each session you complete is downloadable by clicking the “Submit Credit” button in the “Credit” tab from the CTA Virtual Pass system. The button only becomes active once Members watch the full session.
The certificates are not needed to enroll on the CSU, Chico website anymore but are useful so you can keep track of how many hours you’ve accumulated.
I need the course details for pre-approval, what are they?
On the CSU, Chico side, the course number is EDUC 809 and the course title is CTA Season Pass. The course description is: “This course recognizes 15 hours of professional development offered by the California Teachers Association and approved by CSU, Chico School of Education. Programming covers a range of topics such as leadership, LGBTQ+ issues, entering the teaching profession, special education, human rights issues, and techniques and tools for in-person and remote teaching.”.
The course number is declined with alphabet letter for each unit, for example: EDUC 809A for the first unit (first 15 hours), EDUC 809B for the second unit (16 to 30 hours), EDUC 809C for the third unit (31 to 45 hours) etc.
When will my credit be posted to my transcript? When is the enrollment deadline?
Enrollment requests processed prior to May 19th will have credit posted to transcripts at the conclusion of the spring semester on May 31st. There will be not late request process for the Season Pass, you must enroll before the end of the day on May 19th, 2021.
Official transcripts will be available after May 31st and can be ordered through the CSU, Chico Student Records & Registration Office at csuchico.edu/sro. Orders are mailed by First-Class mail through the United States Postal Service. If you prefer expedited delivery or the ability to track your order, you may request FedEx delivery when ordering online. Standard processing for transcripts can take up to 14 business days and rush processing can take up to 5 business days.
Can I submit a late request after May 19th?
No, there will be no catch-up or late submissions possible for the Season Pass. You must enroll before 11:59 PM on May 19th.
How do I request a transcript?
Once enrolled with CSU, Chico, you will receive an email confirmation. The enrollment information in that email allows you to log into the CSU, Chico student portal, from where you can request an official transcript for $8. More information on all the ways to request a transcript is available online on the CSU, Chico website. For questions regarding other services offered by Student Records and Registration please visit www.csuchico.edu/sro or call (530) 898-5142.
Why do my units show as attempted but not earned on my transcript?
CSU, Chico courses numbered 800-899 are designated as part of a Professional Advancement program and cannot be used towards a degree unless approved by the appropriate department. Successful completion of an 800-level course will appear on the transcript with a CR grade and a value in the attempted field that may not be reflected in the earned field or the summary totals. Any student satisfactorily completing an 800-level course will receive a CR as a grade and this will appear on the transcript to indicate that the units and credit have been earned.
Upon ordering your transcript, you will receive a letter from the CSU, Chico Registrar’s office explaining how to read the transcript. Participants can forward that letter to their district as needed.
How many credit units can I obtain? Will they all be covered by CTA?
There is no limit on the number of units you can enroll for, and all units will be paid for by CTA. Please enroll every time you hit a new 15 hours threshold (15, 30, 45, etc.).
Where do I find my CTA Member ID?
You will need your CTA membership to complete the application for university credit from CSU, Chico. Your membership number is on your CTA member card that you received via mail. Your CTA number is also on your educator magazine address label and will be included on the Professional Growth Hours certificates you will download after attending a conference.
I enrolled with CSU, Chico and received an email about LastPass Premium, what is that about?
All CSU, Chico students have the option to use LastPass Premium to protect their passwords. This is not required to obtain your transcript, you can ignore this automatic email from itss@csuchico.edu, Chico’s IT department.
For more information and to register for University Credit, visit the CSU, Chico continuing education website. For additional questions, contact us at ccc@cta.org.